Application Status

Student volunteer applications are now being accepted to support LHDCMC in Lanham, Md.

LHAAMC, in Annapolis, Md., will begin considering applications for the Summer 2025 in late April.


Internship Opportunities

Luminis Health offers a variety of highly competitive internships that provide real-world, hands-on experience. While we hope to accommodate as many students as possible for each rotation, not all students who apply are accepted. Internships are based on department availability/need and cannot be guaranteed. Please note that availability of internships within certain departments varies throughout the year, and some internship opportunities may require specialized subject knowledge in order to qualify. Please see below for details about this program and how to apply.



In order to apply to intern at Luminis Health, students must:

  • Be 16 years of age or older by the start of the semester
  • Attend an accredited educational institution, including, but not limited to, high school, trade school, technical or vocational institute, community college, four-year college or university, or graduate school
  • If necessary for academic credit: have written documentation or letter from your educational institution outlining any specific internship needs and educational components
  • Be enrolled in a course of study related to the work that will be performed
  • Provide documentation of required immunizations
  • Include cover letter and resume with completed Student Volunteer/Intern Application
Application Status

Student volunteer applications are now being accepted to support LHDCMC in Lanham, Md.

LHAAMC, in Annapolis, Md., will begin considering applications for the Summer 2025 in late April.