Title of the Project
Opioid Prescriptions After Total Joint Arthroplasty

Primary Author not in Drupal
Udai Sibia
Secondary Author not in Drupal
Abigail Mandeblatt
Third Author not in Drupal
Caleb Alexander
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Title of the Project
Do Shorter Lengths of Stay Increase Readmissions after Total Joint Replacements?

Primary Author not in Drupal
Udai Sibia
Secondary Author not in Drupal
Kip Waite
Third Author not in Drupal
Maura Callanan
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Title of the Project
Incidence, Risk Factors, and Costs for Hospital Returns After Total Joint Arthroplasties

Primary Author not in Drupal
Udai Sibia
Secondary Author not in Drupal
Abigail Mandelblatt
Third Author not in Drupal
Maura Callanan
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Title of the Project
Who is Not a Candidate for a 1-Day Hospital-Based Total Knee Arthroplasty

Primary Author not in Drupal
Udai Sibia
Secondary Author in Drupal
Third Author not in Drupal
James MacDonal
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