PT360 brings physical therapy right to your home. We do home evaluations and advise you on how to maximize your safety and mobility after surgery or injury. PT360 is an extension of outpatient physical therapy services performed in the home and covered by insurances, including Medicare part B.
What is PT360 Home Physical Therapy?
Facing surgery in the immediate future? Certain features or items in your home may suddenly become hazardous or make some activities difficult, if not impossible.
Not to worry. Our PT360 physical and occupational therapists are experts at risk minimization. That means you can enjoy the benefits of home faster and as safely as possible.
We spot potential dangers invisible to the average person. We're equally experienced at helping people with limited mobility find ways of doing the things they need to do, too. In other words, they can help you maximize the safety of your home—and your mobility.
If you're having surgery, a PT360 therapist can visit your home to prepare you ahead of time. This is often done before joint replacement, spinal or breast cancer surgery.