
Fall Prevention and Balance Treatment

Call (443) 481-1140

We assess fall risk in older adults, create customized fall prevention programs and treat balance problems. We also conduct wheelchair evaluations.

Falls and Balance

Most of us want to continue living in our own homes as we age. But each year, one in four older Americans experiences a fall, which can threaten that degree of independence. For instance, 70% of older adults hospitalized for falls need home health care or nursing home care after hospital discharge.

After a fall, fear of falling again can keep people from staying active or even leaving the house. But you don't have to accept falling as an inescapable part of aging. Our fall prevention and balance treatment specialists can help keep you standing firmly on your own two feet.

Why Choose Us?

At Luminis Health Physical Therapy, we'll help you prevent falls and maximize your mobility so you can enjoy an active, independent lifestyle. Reasons to choose us include:

  • Our fall prevention expertise. We have certified fall prevention specialists. Plus, we partnered with our primary care team to develop our fall prevention program based on recommendations from national experts.
  • Our extended hours and many locations. By offering more options for where and when to see us, we make coming for treatment more convenient. And when necessary, a therapist can visit your home, through our PT360 outpatient physical therapy program. In some cases, we also provide telehealth visits.
  • Our patient satisfaction. You don't have to take our word for it about the quality of our care providers and the services we deliver. Ask our patients. They say they're highly likely to recommend us to friends and family.
  • Our focus on your goals. We focus on patient-centered care. When it comes to our level of concern for patients' questions and worries, patients rate us very highly — 90%. And we get the identical grade for our efforts to include them in decisions and discussing treatment with them.
  • Our partnership with other care providers. We're closely connected with primary care, hospital inpatient care and our PT360 outpatient physical therapy programs. We'll also stay in close touch with your referring doctor and consult other experts as necessary.

What to Expect

Say your doctor suspects you might be at higher-than-average risk of falling due to your medical history, or you're recovering at home from surgery after fracturing your hip in a fall. Our experienced fall prevention therapists are experts at detecting warning signs of future falls. Our physical and occupational therapists have taken extra schooling in how to recognize and treat fall risk and balance problems. Already taken a tumble? Our team can pinpoint — and address — issues that led you to fall.

To evaluate your fall risk, you'll visit a clinic where we conduct a comprehensive exam. This includes watching how different parts of your body move while you walk. We also measure how quickly you can stand up from sitting and test your strength and balance. This process provides information about how best to reduce your risk of falling.


We can't find out everything we need to know in the clinic. We also need to learn whether there are fall hazards in your house. One of our fall prevention specialists comes to your home and offers advice on how to make it safer.

Finally, we work with you to create an individualized fall prevention program or balance treatment plan. Depending on your needs, this may include strength training, task confidence training and practicing how to walk on uneven surfaces. You'll learn how to respond if you start losing your balance, too. If you have medical issues that increase your risk of falls — for example, diabetes-related numbness in your feet — your therapist works with other care providers, such as occupational therapists, to manage these issues.