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Prostate Cancer Survivors Form Special Bond

by Luminis Health
November 22, 2016
General - Tier 3 Section

What started as a casual conversation in a hospital waiting room ended up as a meaningful friendship and vital source of encouragement and support. John and Matt immediately bonded when they found out they were both at Anne Arundel Medical Center for prostate cancer treatment. As they continued to see each other at treatment appointments, the bond strengthened. Each man helped the other through treatment, and today they are both survivors.

“Just to be able to talk to him in the morning time would chill me out and stop me from worrying about things,” says Matt. As for others going through cancer treatment, Matt has some advice.

“Don’t be silent and sit in a corner. If there are people in there going through treatment, whatever it is, try to latch onto somebody because it’s going to help you.”

For John and Matt, forming a friendship helped take their minds off cancer and keep calm during times of uncertainty. They both agree that while family members can be a great source of support, there’s a deeper level of understanding among fellow men going through similar treatment. “It was really encouraging to see each other,” says John. “You kind of feed off of that,” adds Matt.

 Learn more about prostate cancer treatment


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